Grouper Fishing in Shallow Water
When you think of grouper fishing you don’t usually think of shallow water. But on the Nature Coast in the area near Bayport, Florida it does. The rocky structure of the bottom allows uso to catch grouper in water less than 20 feet deep. The best time to fish for shallow water grouper is from October through December but grouper are present year round. When catching gags inshore 3 common techniques are used, bottom fishing with bait, trolling shallow diving plugs, and casting plugs to the fish. When hooked these fish fight extremely hard and head for cover quickly. The strikes are amazingly hard.
Finding structure is one of the grouper’s primary defenses. Once in structure they have a better chance of breaking the line and getting off.
Captain Dencil custom plans your trip to fit the weather conditions and your experience level. This custom fitting makes the trip far more enjoyable and provides better results for you as a fisherman.